Ottawa GAtineau Babywearing Photography
carry me
Tell THEM about the early years...

// BabyWearing Photography
The way they lean into you, and rest their heads on our shoulders. His soft breath on your chest. Her tiny fingers scratching your sides inside the wrap. The colours, the artistry of the wraps - all of this put together is so beautiful.
Your Session
These sessions are designed for one parent and one baby or child. Celebrate your babywearing relationship with up to 30 minutes of photography so we can be sure to catch all the little nuances that make your relationship yours. Fingers and feet, nose to nose and all the little details that make your babywearing years so memorable.
This package includes one 8x10 linen babywearing album with 20 images that you can look back on for years with your children and the digital files from your album to go with it.
Packages start at $650.
Group Sessions
These sessions focus on babywearing and are often organized in small groups of families and only happen a few times a year. Bringing together parents, babies, and children who otherwise wouldn't have met is a wonderful dividend of this type of session.
These sessions are run as Group Sessions which means there will be 4-5 families at a time. We will all go for a walk together and I will take photos as we go. Each family will have about 10 minutes of photography but spread over 40 minutes as there will be 4-5 families present. This allows us to take photos in varying locations and spend more time together overall. Carry Me Sessions include 5 edited digital files and one 8x12 print.
Packages start at $195
Working with Kim was amazing. My daughter is notorious for shutting down when a camera appears in the room, so much so that we’ve had to pay for extra time with photographers in the past because it often takes an hour to get her to stop hiding and crying. Kim’s gentle approach really helped make our session great. My daughter responded to Kim’s calm presence, and we ended up with many beautiful family shots to choose from.