Ottawa GAtineau Birth Photographer and Doula
My Birth Story
// NEW Here Photography
You love the idea of having fresh newborn photos and images of siblings meeting baby. You love the idea of having early snuggles and first latches captured but you are not looking for the whole birth story experience.
New Here Photography means that within 48 hours of baby's arrival, I will meet you at the hospital, birth centre, or your home during daylight hours to capture the tiny details of your newborn and the special moments that come with relatives, friends, and siblings meeting your baby.
Your full gallery will be ready within 2 weeks of your session.
New Here $800
Online Meeting by video chat before booking | On call from 38 weeks until Birth | 120 minutes of photography | 25 digital images chosen from an online gallery | an announcement digital photo within hours of your session for online sharing |
Create your own new here package
Choose from the Add-Ons below to create your unique package designed for you.
New Here Add-Ons
+ $125| 2-3 minute slide show set to music including birth day and details for sharing online.
+ $500 | 5-7 minute video-fusion slide show which includes stills and 10 short video clips from your session.
+ $550| 8 x 8 20 page flush-mount photo album with images of your choice from your gallery.
+ $55 | 10 printed birth announcements which will be created from one of your sneak peek images.
+ $20 and up | Every New Here client will have access to an online professional printing service when you receive your gallery. This can all be added and paid for through your private gallery page.
//Full Birth
You want the whole experience captured from active labour until those quiet moments while you get to know your newborn. You want to look back years from now and remember the fuzzy moments you know you will forget. You want to see your partner's face when they first see your baby. You want your partner to be fully present with you while someone else captures the images. You want to have beautiful images to share with your child on her birthday year after year. When she asks you to tell you her birth story - you will have the photo album to go with it.
Birth photography includes up to two pre-birth meetings over tea or coffee to get to know each other so that I can best honour your wishes and needs. No matter where you decide to deliver your baby, I will be on-call from week 38 until birth, and will photograph your labour, the baby's birth, and your first hour together.
Your full gallery will be ready within 6-8 weeks of your birth.
Will birth photos affect the way I feel about my birth?
Birth Story $2250
In Person Meeting | Second Meeting at 34-36 weeks | On call from 38 weeks until Birth | 2-3 Sneak Peek Digital Images within 24 hours of birth | 20 printed 5x7 images of your choice from your birth gallery | (please note this base package does not include any digital files)
Create your own Birth Story Package
Chose from the Add-Ons below to create your unique package designed for you. Please note that the basic package above does not include digital files. Most families will choose the simple $2250 and add the full digital gallery to start. From there you are welcome to create a package that suits your goals and needs.
Birth Story Add-Ons
+ $250 | Full Digital Gallery including 120 images from your birth story with printing rights.
+ $150 | 3-5 minute slide show set to music. Full digital Gallery must be purchased for the slide show add-on.
+ $500 | 5-7 minute video-fusion slide show which includes 10 short video clips from your birth story. Full digital Gallery must be purchased for the slide show add-on.
+ $550| 8 x 8 20 page flush-mount photo album with images of your choice from your gallery.
+ $400 | Third Trimester Lifestyle Session | 40 minutes and includes 12 digital images chosen from a gallery | can be a final midwife appointment or outdoors or in your home.
+ $400 | New Here Session | I will return to your birth location or home within 48 hours of birth to capture images of siblings and family meeting baby or beautiful images in your home or birth place after everyone is feeling refreshed and ready | 35 images and up to 2 hours of photography
+ $400 | In Home Newborn Session - Welcome Me | one hour of photograph | 16 images chosen from an online gallery | Here is more information
+ $20 and up | Every birth client will have access to an online professional printing service when you receive your birth gallery. This can all be added and paid for through your private gallery page.
+ $55 | 10 printed birth announcements which will be created from one of your sneak peek images. This can be added on after your birth.
Please note: Birth photography and New Here clients are given a special rate or package for Carry Me and Nourish Me photography sessions in the first year.
+ HST will be added for all prices above